Helicobacter pylori Meeting – March 1-2, 1997


This meeting held at Yale University School of Medicine was sponsored by Abbott Pharmaceuticals and the Yale University School of Medicine. A group of national and international authorities were invited to participate in an evaluation of the current status of the diagnosis and management of Helicobacter pylori. The dramatic increase in relevance of this pathogen belies its humble origins. Although initially noted at the turn of the century by a number of clinicians and pathologists, they failed to appreciate its clinical and pathological significance. In fact, it was not until observations of Barry Marshall and R. Warren that an understanding of its pathological importance became apparent. In the following decade, studies from a wide variety of investigators further confirmed the major role of H. pylori not only in acid peptic disease but also as a pathogen implicated in the biology as well as to develop targeted therapeutic strategies attest to its worldwide recognition as a pathogen. Its recognition as critical factor in the genesis of ulceration of the duodenum and stomach has led to the introduction of effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Indeed, the utilization of different pharmacological regimens including acid suppression and bacterial eradication has significantly altered the natural history of acid peptic disease. The combination of acid suppression and antibiotic therapy has proven to be both well tolerated and efficacious. The successful introduction of such pharmacotherapeutic intervention has not only significantly reduced the impact of acid peptic disease and its recurrence but  brought considerable focus to bear on the financial aspect of health related well being as they pertain to the upper gastro-intestinal tract.
The papers presented at this meeting have been collated in a form that will allow for a sense of the development of the issues regarding biology, diagnosis and therapy of H. pylori. Although considerable information is available, there still remains controversy regarding numerous issues relating both to the pathobiology and management of disease engendered by H. pylori. The evaluation of information presented in this volume will hopefully cast further light on a subject of considerable clinical relevance not only to physicians and their patients but also to aspects of the economic issues involved in healthcare and work efficiency.

Irvin M. Modlin, M.D., Ph.D, FACS, FRCS
Hunterian Professor

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